Full HD color video, 2-ch sound, 7:05 min [➚]

Writer · Director · VFX · Editor : Dieter Beyelschmidt
Camera · Sound : Rosy Beyelschmidt

„We are all born originals - why is it so many of us die copies?" once formulated by the English poet Edward Young. Why is it that many people die as copies, that they have lost their originality, their empathic basis of being, and have not regained it?
After we were allowed to leave the train at birth and change to real life, life becomes a question of composition; a sound structure in the sense of a stringing together of vertical states. Experiences find their incorporation into a scheme without a given due examination or counter-steering of the manipulative pulses. The characteristic feature of contemporary humanity is to constantly traverse screens. All kinds of illusions and fantasies are used for self-generation. They enable new forms of presence and circulation. Self-generation is fuelled, as by the type of cigar smoking person who stands for strength, control, influence, rules, domination and energy.
Influence mechanisms evoke affects and serve as a means of the same and was significantly documented by Sigmund Freud in regards of their function in psychoanalytic theory and practice. Thus, among other things, critical issues are undermined with authority arguments.
The indecisive thinker should approach the lark as a bearer of messages from the spiritual world with its store of energy and knowledge with caution, for it uses its manipulation techniques with great skill.


XXVIIe Rencontres Internationales Traverse, Toulouse, FR, en mars 2024 – Art expérimental

at: Cinémathèque de Toulouse